I have a lot of clothes, and in the dozen or so homes I’ve lived in, many have had very little closet space. Here is 12+ years worth of tips on how to cram your stuff into the minimal space you have. Women may benefit the most from these tips, but men might learn a thing or two!
- Use ALL available space, but keep it organized.
- Keep out-of-season (winter/summer) clothes out of the way.
- You’re more likely to wear something if you can see it.
- Keep 1-2 hooks empty for quick-n-dirty clean up.
- Don’t forget the backs of deep shelves, and high-up places.
- Try installing a second closet rod above your main one. This basically doubles your hanging space. Buy a stool (my preference) or a reaching rod for access. I have often done this myself on the cheap–search around for tutorials or visit your local home improvement store.
- Matching hangers makes everything look so nice. I have these Joy Mangano ones and I LOVE THEM SO MUCH. I bought a 200-pack or something like that when it was on special. Worth it.
- Cascading hooks are bloody genius and work with almost any hanger. Use two at a time!
Source: lifehacker.com