Yeah, watching models do their thing during Fashion Month (that’s four weeks of shows in New York, London, Milan, and Paris) and the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show looks like some non-stop, wildly glamorous event, but some of the less-Instagrammed side effects involve jet lag, over-worked skin, and stressful runs to and from shows (think go-sees on America’s Next Top Model times 100). Yet, their skin still somehow manages to look amazing even backstage when they’re makeup-free.
Sure, some (OK, a lot) of that has to do with genetics, but these women also have regular access to the best beauty pros in the world. Translation: Backstage at fashion shows is a chamber of skin care secrets. So, we did as any inquiring mind would do and pulled a few of the dewiest-complected aside to get their tricks to keeping blemishes at bay and getting that glow we all wish we had 24/7. Here, the chamber is opened.